Enterprise Express

27 Jan

Enterprise Expresshas just gone live online. It contains all the region’s news, resources, some great free events, business achievements, burning issues and things to watch out for in future… everything you need to know about what’s happening in the business world, all in one place. The kaleidoscopic array of issues addressed in this week’s edition include:

· Ne(x)tworking: delivering best practice and results

· ‘Start up Saturday’ programme of four free live HMRC webinars

· Small businesses missing out on funding opportunities

· Student Enterprise Conference is just the thing for businesses

· Good health is good business

· Hull KR business breakfast invitation

· The Yorkshire Hotel Show

· Doing business in Mexico: market opportunities

· Helping young people compete for jobs

· Venturefest Yorkshire

· Volunteers needed for Young Enterprise project in February/March

· Save South Cave Village Post Office

· Can you help Barnsley’s enterprising young people?

· FSB’s first Policy Conference

· Win a tablet by telling us how you use digital technology

……. and many more.

Enterprise Expressis theforemost business e-newsletter and is produced exclusively by the South and East Yorkshire Region of the Federation of Small Businesses.

Enjoy this week’s edition, and see it here.

Federation of Small Businesses

South and East Yorkshire Regionhttp://www.fsb.org.uk

Tel: 0114 261 7132

Mobile: 07917 628922


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