Equality Hub Network – Voice and Influence Consultation

27 Jan

voice and influence

We have finalised the full proposal on Equality Hub Network – Voice and Influence with Members this week and it will be going out to consultation next week.

The consultation outlines the plans in more detail but to summarise the model chosen was the mixed model, this means the Council will set up and run an Equality Hub Network and a Board but there will be grants available to organisations. The grants will be focused on activity to help us meet our Equality and Fairness Objectives 2014 – 18 which were agreed by our Cabinet in December.

I have enclosed a copy of the consultation documents and there is an online survey to fill in .

There will also be a separate consultation event on February 20th in the afternoon in the Town hall


Adele Robinson
Social Justice and Inclusion Manager

Elections, Equalities and Involvement Team

Sheffield City Council

Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Telephone: 0114 2735861

Email: adele.robinson

Equalities Hub Proposal.docx

Equalities Hub Proposal Background Info.docx

Equalities Hub Proposal Consultation Questions PAGE 1.docx

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