Reaching Communities Masterclass

27 Jan
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Reaching Communities Masterclass February 13

A training course coming up shortly you may be interested in:

Reaching Communities is a major funding source for groups, which was updated last summer by the Big Lottery Fund. Come to SYFAB’s Reaching Communities Master Class if you who are thinking about applying to this fund, and want to find out what the new application process is, how it is different, and how to maximise your chances of success.
The Reaching Communities programme is interested in projects that improve communities and the lives of people most in need, and offers multi-year grants of above £10,000. Voluntary and community organisations, schools, local authorities, health bodies, not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises are eligible to apply.
This session will help you:

• Be clear what organisations and projects can be funded
• Learn how the application process has changed, and why
• Understand how applications are assessed
• Learn the common reasons for rejection
• Pick outcomes and indicators for your project
• Decide how to consult beneficiaries about the plans and their implementation
• Properly cost out your budget.

This session is aimed at those planning to apply or currently completing an application to this Big Lottery Fund scheme.

Date: Thursday 13 February 2014
Venue: Voluntary Action Sheffield, The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield, S1 4FW
Time: 9.30 – 2.30

Level: Intermediate to advanced
Cost: £80.00 per person (includes lunch)

A recent participant on the scheme, who was successful with their bid for £260,000 said:
“We had a great idea for a Reaching Communities project (and a great need for the money). Fitting the right number of words into the right boxes was becoming a nightmare and outcomes were swimming before our eyes. Peter and his SYFAB colleagues helped us focus on the important bits and the rest flowed from there. We have got £269,313. SYFAB was a very good investment. Now we just have to deliver!”

Interested? Book on the website:

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