Archive | January, 2014

Nomination deadline ; Shiregreen Newsletter

27 Jan

Nomination deadline & Shiregreen Newsletter

Hello everyone,

This is just a reminder to you all that the nominations for this years Shiregreen Community Awards close on Friday 31st January. If you haven’t yet nominated there is still time. I have attached a form if you don’t have a copy. Feel free to email it back to me or the address on the form. You can also drop off or post hard copies to the Sanctuary office, address below.

Also, the next Shiregreen newsletter will be released before the Easter holidays, so if your group has an event, announcement or activity you would like to include then please let me know the details. The same applies with Any updates can be posted anytime so let me know if there are any changes you wish to inform the community.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend!


Allan Ogle
Research & PR Officer
Sanctuary Housing
36a Beck Road, Shiregreen, S5 0GB
0114 2328130
07435 976091

Sanctuary-Group.png Sanctuary Group, Chamber Court, Castle Street, Worcester, WR1 3ZQ
Tel: 01905 334000 Fax: 01905 334958
View our disclaimer at:
Sanctuary Group is a trading name of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity.
Sanctuary Housing Association: Email DisclaimerThis email, and any files transmitted within it, is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed.If you have received this email in error, please notify Sanctuary Housing Association on +44 (0)845 373 3883 or email postmaster

This message has been scanned for computer viruses. However, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free before using it and no responsibility whatsoever is accepted by Sanctuary Housing Association for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.

Registered as a provider of social housing with the Homes and Communities Agency No. L0247. Industrial & Provident Society No. 19059R.

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Nomination form 2014.doc

Three taken to hospital after house fire

27 Jan
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ABC Widgets 25 January 2014
South Yorkshire Fire
> Did you know we offer free reminders to test your smoke alarms? Visit to sign up
Dear Dave,Did you know you are more likely to have a house fire in winter than at any other time of the year?We’re currently raising awareness of some common risks at this time of year, like open fires, heaters and cooking.

You can Facebook Like Button our safety tips on Facebook or Tweet Button them to your friends.


Three taken to hospital after fire

Candle safety

Do you burn incense or use candles? Please take care where you put them! Three people were taken to hospital following a house fire in Sheffield, after an incense burner was placed on a bed. Click here to read more about this incident

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Dog bites can, house explodes

Metro newspaper

An incident we attended in Goldthorpe this month made the national news- after a dog caused a house to explode. It’s thought the pet perforated an aerosol can which leaked gas onto a sofa and was then ignited by heat from a lamp. Read more about the incident on our website here or in The Metro here

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Man rescued from Tickhill blaze

Firefighters carried a man to safety and gave him oxygen, after smoke alarms alerted neighours to a fire in his home. Read more about thie fire here or sign up for our free smoke alarm test reminders

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Watch out in winter campaign

Winter house fires campaignOur ‘Watch Out In Winter’ campaign is in full swing. We’re asking people to take extra care to prevent fires, as you are more likeloy to have a house fire in winter than at any other time of the year.

Click here for more information about the campaign or see our list of safety events taking place near you

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Still time to bid for funding

There’s still time for community and voluntary groups to bid for money to support our work in driving down incidents across the county. The £2 million fund has been set aside from our governing Fire Authority’s reserves and the first funding round is open until 10 February. Click here to apply

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In this issue· arrow.gifThree taken to hospital after fire· arrow.gifDog bites can, house explodes

· arrow.gifMan rescued from Tickhill blaze

· arrow.gifWatch out in winter campaign

· arrow.gifStill time to bid for funding

Small Hr

Dates for your diary

· arrow.gifFriday 31 January, Chinese New Year

Small Hr

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ASSIST Full time Charity Administrative worker job advert

27 Jan

ASSIST is recruiting a full time Charity Administrative Worker on a 12 month contract, 35 hours a week, £13,759.

The recruitment pack is attached with details of the role description and person specification.

Please circulate this to your networks and to people who you think will be interested in applying.

Deadline for applications to be received: 5pm on Monday 3rd February

Interview date: Monday 17th February

Applications can ONLY be submitted by email to: jobs



This is an exciting opportunity to use your skills, energy and enthusiasm to make a real difference to a vibrant local charity which supports destitute asylum seekers.

The role is an entry level administrator position, and would be a great start for anyone looking for a career in the charity sector. You will be providing administrative support for key organisational functions such as: volunteer recruitment and training, service delivery, processing donations and financial record keeping. As part of a small staff team, working with a large volunteer led organisation, you will gain valuable insight into many aspects of how charities operate.

You’ll be self reliant with a ‘can-do’ attitude, but equally able to work collaboratively and consultatively. You’ll be a clear communicator with an eye for detail and quality. You’ll have great organisational skills and be highly confident using ICT to make administrative tasks easier. Crucially, you’ll care passionately about supporting destitute asylum seekers, and supporting ASSIST to deliver the best service it can. If this sounds like you, we can’t wait to hear from you!

The key responsibilities of this post are to:

To give administrative support to staff and volunteer teams to enable ASSIST’s support to asylum seekers to be delivered effectively including:

l Deal with internal/external post/emails.

l To receive, screen and make telephone calls, resolving enquiries where possible, taking messages or redirecting calls as appropriate.

l process donations and banking

l process welfare payments and petty cash

Induction and day to day support for volunteers recruited to support this work

Application packs are not available by email from the office. They are only available on our website:

Applications can ONLY be submitted by email to: jobs

Deadline for applications to be received: 5pm on Monday 3rd February

Interview date: Monday 17th February

1. Charity Administrative Worker job Advert Jan 2013.pdf
2. ASSIST Job Application Form.doc
3. Charity Administrative Worker Job Description.pdf
4. Person Spec Charity Administrative Worker.pdf
5. ASSIST Annual Report 2012-2013.pdf
6. Background Info about ASSIST.doc

Holocaust Memorial Day Monday 27th January 2014

22 Jan

Dear all

Holocaust Memorial Day – Monday 27th January 2014

Every year on 27th January, the world marks Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). HMD has taken place in the UK since 2001.

To mark the day this year, Sheffield City Council have organised a candlelit vigil with speakers on Monday 27th January, 5.30-6.30pm in the Winter Gardens.

There will also be a selection of short films to view in the Activities Room at the Millennium Galleries between 1-5pm on Monday the 27th:

The films will be showing on a continuous loop, so you are welcome to come along anytime during the showing, the event is free.

Millennium galleries have put the HMD film information online:

Also on Monday 27th January, the Showroom Cinema will be showing the film Hannah Arendt (2013).

There will be a collection of posters displayed in the Winter Gardens to mark HMD from Saturday 25 January to Friday 31 January. As part of the display there will be an opportunity for people to write down their thoughts and reflections about their own journeys.


Adele Robinson
Social Justice and Inclusion Manager

Elections, Equalities and Involvement Team

Sheffield City Council

Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Telephone: 0114 2735861

Email: adele.robinson


HMD Leaflet FINAL.pdf

Job Opportunities at Grow Sheffield

22 Jan

Dear All,

Please see the attached advert for upcoming opportunities to work with us at Grow Sheffield as part of a small co-ordination team further developing our work beyond March 2014. Please pass on to anyone who may be interested and circulate to your networks.

Best wishes,


Grow Sheffield Co-ordinators advert.doc

Nominations open to award your local hero

21 Jan

Nominations open to award your local hero

250 volunteers and residents from Shiregreen are preparing to celebrate at the third annual Shiregreen Community Awards event in March and residents still have time to nominate their local hero for an award.

The Shiregreen Community Awards is organised by local housing provider Shiregreen Community Homes, part of Sanctuary Group. Nearly 50 nominations were received for the 2013 event and over £600 raised for two local charities.

Residents can nominate a friendly neighbour or someone they know who has given up their time for the benefit of others to be recognised for a prestigious award. There are seven categories at this year’s event which take place on Friday 14th March at Hillsborough Stadium.

This years categories are The Karl Barton Award, for positive community action made by young people aged 10-16 living in Shiregreen. Young achiever of the year, for those aged 17-25 who are making a difference and inspiring others. Good Neighbour Award, for that person who helps others and lives down your street. There are also awards for Health Heroes, Fundraiser of the Year, Volunteer of the Year and an Outstanding Achievement award.

Rt Hon Mr David Blunkett, MP for Sheffield, Brightside and Hillsborough, is the guest of honour at the event and will help present awards. The evenings entertainment will include live music by Sheffield band The Motown Years. A charity raffle will help raise money for two Shiregreen residents who will donate the proceeds to their supported charities Amy’s Retreat and Help for Heroes.

Colleen Eccles, Sanctuary’s Director of Neighbourhoods, said: “Over the past two year’s awards have achieved a full house with many local nominations. This year, we are particularly proud to include the Karl Barton award for young achievers.

Karl worked tirelessly for young people across the city, and was particularly passionate about working with us in Shiregreen, where he grew up. We look forward to receiving many nominations”.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 31st January 2014. Nomination forms are available from and can be handed in to Sanctuary’s housing office on Beck Road, Shiregreen Neighbourhood Centre on Westnall Road or you can download a nomination form online by visiting Hannah.smith or call 0800 131 3348.

Sanctuary-Group.png Sanctuary Group, Chamber Court, Castle Street, Worcester, WR1 3ZQ
Tel: 01905 334000 Fax: 01905 334958
View our disclaimer at:
Sanctuary Group is a trading name of Sanctuary Housing Association, an exempt charity.
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HS2 in Sheffield-Deadline for Consultation

21 Jan

In January this year the Secretary of State for Transport announced his preferred route for Phase 2 of HS2. Phase 2 will connect Birmingham to Leeds and Manchester via a High Speed Rail Line. The proposed route can be found here. A factsheet which covers the route between Tinsley and Cold Hiendley can be found here.

In light of the announcement, the government launched a consultation into the proposed route which started on the 17th of July 2013 and will end on the 31st of January 2014. The purpose of the consultation is to seek the views and thoughts of members of the public and wider stakeholders on the proposed route and ensure that all comments and views are considered in order to shape the Secretary of State’s decision on the route towards the end of 2014. More information can be found on the HS2 website here.

To complement the consultation, we are holding a number of information events up and down the proposed route so that members of the public can take the opportunity to speak to members of the HS2 team who can answer any concerns or questions you might have. There will also be a number of HS2 technical specialists at the information events who can talk attendees through specific technical issues.

We are keen for as many people as possible to be made aware of these events and to take the chance to pop along. I would therefore like to inform you that your closest event will be held at the English Institute of Sport Sheffield Coleridge Road, Sheffield S9 5DA on both the 8th of November between 12pm and 8pm, and the 9th of November between 10am and 5pm. If you are unable to attend this event, further events at other locations along the line can be found here. Please do come along to an alternative event if you are able.

If you cannot make the events, please take the opportunity to look over the information on the HS2 website, which I linked above, which will explain more about contributing to the consultation and what the proposals are all about.

Yours faithfully

David Orr-Ewing

Community and Stakeholder Engagement Adviser for HS2

Friends of Firth Park-Winter Fun Day

17 Jan

Chris Fox

Fox audio hire ltd.

+44 7814 719126
+44 114 2454208

Job vacancy – Refugee Support Service Manager

16 Jan

The British Red Cross is recruiting to a new Service Manager role for the Refugee Support Service in South Yorkshire.

This is an exciting opportunity to manage the Refugee Support Service which provides practical and emotional support through one-to-one and group orientation sessions to vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers in South Yorkshire.

The role is part-time and the closing date for applications is Wednesday 22nd January.

More information and details of how to apply are available on the British Red Cross website or by following this link:,6579212314&key=63014399&c=955434237883&pagestamp=sennnboriodrlheahn

Please share this with your contact networks.

Kind regards,


Jenna Warr
Senior Services Manager

International Family Tracing & Refugee Support


e: JWarr
m: 07921403672

t: 0113 201 5258

Refusing to ignore people in crisis

Join our network

twitter: @BritishRedCross | @RedCrossNorth




Expert Patients Programme

15 Jan

The Expert Patients Programme is a six week course designed for adults living with any long-term health condition e.g. mental health conditions, diabetes, COPD, heart disease etc. It runs for 2 and a half hours per week for six weeks and the next course will be starting on Wednesday 12th February 10.00am – 12.30pm at Norfolk House.

This course is open to anybody and if you know of anyone who would benefit from this kind of support then please pass their details on to myself or Janie Vendeiro whose details are on the attached flyer. Unfortunately there will no longer be funding available for this course after March so please take full advantage!

Holly Denniff

Manor & Castle Development Trust Ltd.

Nofolk house


S2 5HR

Tel: 0114 252 1082/0114 278 9999

Fax: 0114 279 6458

e-mail address: Holly Denniff

epp manor flyer.docx