Archive | November, 2015

Shiregreen Activities Open Day for 50+

25 Nov

Shiregreen Activities Open Day

Monday 7th December

11am – 3pm

Concord Sports Centre, Shiregreen Lane, S5 6AE


  • Are you over 50?
  • Do you live in the Shiregreen area or surrounding areas?


Come along and learn about what is happening in your area! We will be joined by Age UK Sheffield, Sanctuary Housing, Sheffield 50+, SOAR, South Yorkshire Housing Association, Activity Sheffield and more!

  • We have plenty of car parking
  • Tea, coffee and lunch are included free of charge
  • An opportunity to socialise and meet new people
  • An opportunity to find out what you can get involved in locally

Event for BME Communities. Have your say on Healtha nd Social Care. Mon 7th December.

25 Nov



Winter Wonderland Event 2-4pm 4th December at Owler Brook School

24 Nov



Job Vacancy: Cafe Co-ordinator at Healthy Living Centre

24 Nov


Email for job description and application form or call Sophia Saleh on  0114 3030149


Code Make Win- the launch of Sheffield’s Digital competition for 9-19 year olds

23 Nov

CODEMAKEWIN is making an exciting return for 2016.

The competition, run by Sheffield City Council, sets out to discover the city’s hidden digital makers! After a successful pilot which unearthed and encouraged over 40 young digital makers from around the city the competition is starting again.

Open to three age groups (9-11, 12-16,17-19), the competition runs from the 16th of November to the 31st of May 2016 and is open to working products, prototypes, or new ideas in the categories of software apps, physical computing, and digital manufacturing.

Firstly, we are merely looking for IDEAS that young people have for new digital products, such as a new App. ‘Early Bird Ideas’ entries are now open until 15th January, students can simply submit their ideas and five will receive a £50 prize.

Next we are looking for students to develop these ideas into coded digital products and they have until 31st May 2016 to submit these.

Up to 9 prizes of £75 are available, plus a special Raspberry Pi prize. All winners will be invited to our spectacular awards ceremony in July 2016 where there will be the chance to meet games designers and others from the industry!

We have prepared a PowerPoint which you can use to promote/launch the competition Information for Schools page.

Further details on categories, information on how to enter, deadline dates, and T&Cs can be found on the CODE>MAKE>WIN website ( The website also offers online PDF versions of our posters and information flyers which can be sent to students, and these are also available in printed format upon request.

If you’re on social media, use the hashtag #CodeMakeWin and follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (@CodeMakeWin) where you will find regular updates and helpful resources.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me (Mike Garnock-Jones at mike.garnock-jones or 07891 999 505)

Many thanks

Mike Garnock-Jones

Service Manager: Strategy, Skills and Enterprise
Lifelong Learning, Lifelong Learning and Skills Service
Children & Young People’s Directorate
145 Crookesmoor Road
S6 3FP
Tel: 0114 2296131
Fax: 0114 2667092
E-mail: mike.garnock-jones
Mob: 07891 999 505

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Zumba for £1! At Firvale Oasis Academy Wednesday Mornings

23 Nov



Find out about local Learning Opportunities – 30th November

23 Nov



Westways School Winter Fayre 11th December 2-4pm

23 Nov

winter fayre

Funding success for Pitsmoor Adventure Playground

19 Nov

Christmas Arrives Early with Funding success for Pitsmoor Adventure PlaygroundPitsmoor Adventure Playground CIO is going from strength to strength with the support of Harry Harpham MP, local Councillors, community partners and local families.

In November Pitsmoor Adventure Playground CIO were delighted to announce the success of their funding bid to BBC Children in Need and the playground has been awarded a grant of £111,866 which will fund 3 playworkers and sessional staff for the next three years, as well as the refurbishment of the kitchen area.

The grant commenced on 1st November 2015 and the fantastic news was formally announced to our children and families during our Halloween Family Fun Day on 31st October.

Chair of Trustees Yanina Koszalinski said, “We’re thrilled that BBC Children in Need have recognised the importance of Pitsmoor Adventure Playground in meeting the needs of children in our area by awarding this grant. The funding puts us on a much more secure footing for the next three years and will allow us to expand and improve what we offer to local families.”

Playground Manager

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground Manager Patrick Meleady said ” This is fantastic news for the North of Sheffield and plenty of families will benefit from our award winning Open Access Play Service, pop in and give it a try ! ”

Photograph: Children, staff and volunteers say thank you to BBC Children in Need

Patrick Meleady

Playground Manager

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground

c/o 122 Burngreave Road
Sheffield S3 9DE

0114 273 7121 (Playground)

Registered charity no. 1156611


Stay Well This Winter

18 Nov


Winter can be seriously bad for our health and a challenging time for the NHS, housing social care and voluntary services.  A joint national initiative from NHS England and Public Health England called Stay Well This Winter,  started in October to help people aged 65 or over, those with long-term health conditions, pregnant women and parents of children aged two, three and four and in school years 1 and 2 stay well this winter. We have also created a flu myths film to support PR and social which can be seen here.

The Stay Well This Winter campaign was launched15 October 2015.The campaign is not about preventing those that need urgent care from going to hospital, but aims to help those that are most vulnerable to falling seriously ill with winter ailments avoid needing hospital treatment by providing simple advice to protect them. Advice includes:

  • Getting a flu vaccination
  • Heat your home to at least 18 degrees C (65f), if you can
  • Seeking immediate advice and help from a pharmacist as soon as they feel unwell, before it gets too serious
  • Keeping an eye on elderly or frail friends, neighbours and relatives
  • Getting prescriptions before Christmas Eve
  • Take your prescribed medicines as directed.

Leaflets and posters for you to download