Funding success for Pitsmoor Adventure Playground

19 Nov

Christmas Arrives Early with Funding success for Pitsmoor Adventure PlaygroundPitsmoor Adventure Playground CIO is going from strength to strength with the support of Harry Harpham MP, local Councillors, community partners and local families.

In November Pitsmoor Adventure Playground CIO were delighted to announce the success of their funding bid to BBC Children in Need and the playground has been awarded a grant of £111,866 which will fund 3 playworkers and sessional staff for the next three years, as well as the refurbishment of the kitchen area.

The grant commenced on 1st November 2015 and the fantastic news was formally announced to our children and families during our Halloween Family Fun Day on 31st October.

Chair of Trustees Yanina Koszalinski said, “We’re thrilled that BBC Children in Need have recognised the importance of Pitsmoor Adventure Playground in meeting the needs of children in our area by awarding this grant. The funding puts us on a much more secure footing for the next three years and will allow us to expand and improve what we offer to local families.”

Playground Manager

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground Manager Patrick Meleady said ” This is fantastic news for the North of Sheffield and plenty of families will benefit from our award winning Open Access Play Service, pop in and give it a try ! ”

Photograph: Children, staff and volunteers say thank you to BBC Children in Need

Patrick Meleady

Playground Manager

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground

c/o 122 Burngreave Road
Sheffield S3 9DE

0114 273 7121 (Playground)

Registered charity no. 1156611


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