Archive | January, 2017

Valentine’s Day Litter Pick in Firth Park from 10am.

24 Jan


Future Makers: Free workshops for young people interested in working in film and theatre.

24 Jan

Third Angel is recruiting participants for FUTURE MAKERS, an exciting programme of one-day workshops available to 14-19 year olds in Sheffield.

FUTURE MAKERS is for creative young people who would like more information about what careers might be available to them in theatre and film, from behind the scenes art work to technical areas like lighting, to acting. Workshops will provide a hands-on taster of what each role involves and practical careers advice.

Young people can apply online by zapping the QR code on the attached flyer, or going to

If you have any questions about Third Angel or Future Makers, please contact Ellie Whittaker or call her on 0114 201 3875.



Positive Parenting: Help with getting Teenagers to Co-operate

23 Jan


Fundraiser at Greentop Circus 12/1/1

18 Jan

Sunday 12th February 1.30-4.00pm

On Sunday 12th February we will be holding a fundraising event at Greentop Community Circus Centre which will take place 1.30-4.00pm.

We’re really excited to have been invited to the National Youth Circus Event which takes place at the National Centre for Circus Arts. Five of our youth circus students will be travelling to London with two of their tutors to participate in a weekend of circus activity The purpose of this fundraiser is to assist in the travel costs for this trip.

The price of entry to the fundraiser is a £3 donation on the door and there will be the opportunity to engage in activities such as aerial silks and trapeze among other activities. Extras include face painting, a raffle, food and drink.

We are excited to open our doors to new and existing participants and hope to see you on the 12th February.



Tea Pots and Twirls at Shiregreen Neighbourhood Centre on 19th January – 1.30pm

12 Jan



Firvale Social Cafe at the Healthy Living Centre, Healthy Living Centre

9 Jan



Strictly Shiregreen starting Sunday 8th January 11.30 to 12.30

5 Jan
