Archive | June, 2017

Fire safety in our tower blocks – Update

29 Jun

Hanover tower block

You may have seen in the local news that we have started to remove the cladding from Hanover Tower block in Broomhall.

Maintenance teams began to remove the cladding on the block at low level earlier this week. It will take several weeks to remove the cladding. We are removing it because a part of it failed the Government’s new fire safety test.

We have written to all tenants and residents in the tower block. Our neighbourhood officers are onsite this week holding drop in sessions for residents. Our teams will also be available to speak with people in their flats if they are worried or have questions.

Further meetings will be held today (Thursday 29 June) at Hanover tower at 5.15pm to 6.15pm and 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue have agreed with us that it is safe for residents to stay in their homes while the works take place.

We are making sure that security is on site 24 hours a day while the building work is ongoing.
Fire safety in all our tower blocks

We are still having meetings with tenants and leaseholders in each of our tower blocks and we are inviting tenants and leaseholders with a hand delivered letter. Please come along if you have any concerns or questions.

We still don’t know the reasons why the fire spread so quickly in London. We would like to reassure you that once we receive the details, if we need to change any arrangements to keep tenants safe, then we will.

We are also taking samples on all of our aluminium clad tower blocks and sending them off for independent tests. We will let you know the results of the tests when they are complete.

Fire safety advice

We also wanted to remind you about the fire safety advice available, including some steps you can take to minimise fire risk and prevent injury or accident.

You can download a copy of our Fire Safety information booklet and you will also find this information in your tenancy sign up pack.

If you have any further questions or concerns please get in touch with your neighbourhood officer or call us on: 0114 2734567

Sheffield Digifest – July 4th

29 Jun

This July will host the first Sheffield Digifest, an action-packed day of digital activity and a showcase of Sheffield’s young tech talent. Schools from across Sheffield City Region are invited to take part in taster activities and masterclasses supported by Pimoroni, Sheffield Hallam University, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Robotics, CAFÉ (Computing as a Family Experience) Ambassadors, Sheffield City Council E-Learning Team, UTC Sheffield and more.

Young people who have taken part in the Code>Make>Win competition and the CAFÉ programme are also invited to exhibit digital projects and showcase their talent in the evening programme, before receiving recognition awards and the Code>Make>Win prize giving.

Employers and education providers will also be present, offering advice and guidance on digital sector ‘next steps’ and careers. These include: Apple, Google, Lloyds, Samsung, The Education Foundation, Barclays, BT, Sero Consulting, and Sheffield Digital.

The event will be held in Sheffield Hallam University’s brand new STEM Learning Centre (which is located opposite Sheffield’s rail station).

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Consultation for Young People

29 Jun

Have a say in how services for young people should be shaped


Special Olympics Activity Festival – 9 August

28 Jun

People with learning disabilities aged 11 years and over will have the chance to try a range of sports for free during this summer’s Special Olympics National Games.

The Activity Festival takes place on Wednesday 9 August at the English Institute of Sport (EIS) from 12noon to 5pm, with registration open at 11.30am

Sports on offer include basketball, tennis, cricket, golf and boccia.

Registration for individuals, groups and Special Olympics programmes is free but there are a very limited number of places so pre-booking is essential.

For information or to request a registration form, visit or contact Laura Davies at Special Olympics Great Britain on or 02073 757624.

Special Olympics Logo V3

Tickets now on sale for Special Olympics opening ceremony – 8 August

28 Jun

Tickets are now available for the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics Great Britain National Summer Games, which will light up Bramall Lane stadium on 8 August.

It is set to be a spectacular show featuring Spandau Ballet’s Tony Hadley, former World Superbikes champ turned popstar James Toseland – who recorded the official anthem We’ll Stop at Nothing – and entertainment by both disabled and able-bodied performers from Rationale Theatre Company.

Hosting the show are Downton Abbey’s Jim Carter, F1 broadcaster Suzi Perry and football pundit Chris Kamara. An audience of 20,000 people will welcome the athletes to the city.

Tickets start at just £5 and are available from the Sheffield United ticket office, 0114 253 7200 (option 1) or in person at the Sheffield United FC Box Office at Bramall Lane.


Opening ceremony (James Toseland with Special Olympics athletes)

Further Fire Safety Information for Sheffield Council Tenants

23 Jun

Further Fire Safety Information for Sheffield Council Tenants

Following the recent fire in at Grenfell tower block in London, we wanted to reassure you about how seriously we take fire safety and what you can do to keep you and your home safe.

We wrote to you last week to advise you that regular Fire Risk assessments take place and each tower block is visited daily to check it is safe. We tackle any issues with tenants, particularly around the removal of waste.

This week we announced that we will be fitting sprinkler systems in 24 tower blocks in the city. You may have seen or heard this news in the newspaper, on the radio or television. Click here to read the article.

We are starting to have meetings with tenants and leaseholders in each of our tower blocks and we are inviting tenants and leaseholders with a hand delivered letter. We will be working closely with tenant and residents associations who have tower blocks in their areas.

We still don’t know the reasons why the fire spread so quickly in London. We would like to reassure you that once we receive the details, if we need to change any arrangements to keep tenants safe, then we will. In the meantime, as a precautionary measure, we are sending samples from all our tower blocks with rain screen cladding to the Building Research Establishment

We also wanted to remind our tenants and leaseholders about the fire safety advice available, including some steps you can take to minimise fire risk and prevent injury or accident.

Please take the time to read our Fire Safety information booklet. A copy of this information is in your tenancy sign up pack.

If you have any further questions or concerns please get in touch with your neighbourhood officer or call us on : 0114 2734567

Janet Sharpe, Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Service
Jayne Dunn, Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety



Memory Cafe at Parson Cross Forum on Tuesday mornings

20 Jun



Mindfulness Sessions at Grimesthorpe Family Centre every Monday

20 Jun

family centre

Commissioner’s Community Grant Scheme is Open

16 Jun

Commissioner’s Community Grant Scheme is Open

The South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Grant Scheme is now open for applications.

The grant scheme administered by the office of the police and crime commissioner is for grants of up to £5,000 from organisations that can demonstrate they work in helping the commissioner meet any of the three key priorities in his Police and Crime Plan. (The Plan can be viewed on the website.)

The three priorities are: protecting vulnerable people, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour and enabling fair treatment.

Over recent years, the Commissioner has awarded grants to organisations providing such things as: diversionary activities for young people; help to older people to keep them safe and secure; support services to young people to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation and how to understand the difference between heathy and potentially risky relationships.

Dr Alan Billings said: “As Police and Crime Commissioner I get the opportunity to meet many people across the districts of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield who are using their time and ability to help others. This grant funding will enable this work to continue or new projects to start.

“I know that funding is becoming more difficult for organisations and many are struggling to continue. But I recognise that much of what they do reduces demands on the police service, which is why I am happy to fund them.

“I thank the organisations that are currently doing this good work and encourage others to apply for funding from the grant scheme.”

The grant scheme will be open to applicants throughout the year, but the money will need to have been used completely before the end of the financial year.

For more information on how to apply, check eligibility and download a short application form, please visit the website here

Commissioner’s Grant Scheme is Open.pdf

Fun Palaces Workshop at The Crucible

16 Jun

A Fun Palaces Workshop will be on held on Thursday 6th July 2017, from 1.30pm to 4.30pm, at The Crucible and we would love for you to come along! A delicious light lunch will be provided, with refreshments available throughout the afternoon.

This will be an interactive session led by Fun Palaces, a chance to find out about our work, and explore how you can get involved in and contribute to the UK wide campaign for art, science, craft and tech – culture created by, with and for all. The Fun Palaces movement is based on the belief ‘Everyone an Artist, Everyone a Scientist’ and here at Sheffield Theatres we are excited to be playing such an important role in the campaign, by hosting the Fun Palaces Ambassador role and by throwing open the doors of The Crucible once again this October for our third Fun Palace weekend of free events.

The workshop is for absolutely anyone with an interest in Fun Palaces – workers, volunteers, community leaders, activists, artists, scientists, makers, collaborators and supporters – everyone is welcome and the more the merrier! This will be an opportunity to throw around ideas, stimulate and generate new ones, meet people, share successes, build links, explore partnerships, find solutions (or try!) and get creative in thinking about how to build stronger communities, with our cultural assets at the core. We are striving to build and strengthen local networks for art and culture across our communities, and we would love for you to be involved.

Please contact Beverley Nunn (Fun Places Ambassador) at by Thursday 29th June to secure a place and to ensure a seat and sandwich has your name on it.