Archive | January, 2018

Sheffield City Council seeks residents views on its budget

16 Jan

The final council budget for the year 2018/19 will be agreed in March but there is still time for local people to have their say on how money should be spent and share their ideas on how savings can be made.

The ‘Budget Conversation’, which started last month with the launch of an online survey, is now going on the road and local people are invited to attend public meetings to share their opinions and give advice to the people who will be making the decisions, Cabinet Members from Sheffield City Council.

Councillor Olivia Blake, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance said: “We are living in a difficult economic climate. There is more demand for our services but less money to spend.

“Between 2011/12 and 2017/18 we have had to save £390 million. Over the same period we have seen our grant funding reduced by 45%. For the coming year we have to find further savings of £30 million because of the austerity measures forced upon us by central government.

“At the moment our plans include increasing the council tax by at least 52 pence per week, for most households, to pay for social care, as 95% of councils have already done. But even this additional funding will not be enough to meet the demand.

“If anyone has an idea or an opinion on how we can make further savings we want to hear from them. Equally we want to know what people think of the services we already provide, and tell us what they think the priorities for the future should be”.

Anyone who wishes to get involved in the challenge of setting the budget can complete a survey at, or attend a public meeting on the follow dates.

  • Thursday 18th January, 6.00 – 8.00 pm at The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield S1 4FW
  • Tuesday 23rd January, 6.00 – 8.00 pm at Stocksbridge Library, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S36 1DH
  • Wednesday 24th January. 6.00 – 8.00 pm at Woodseats Methodist Church, Holmhirst Road S8 0GS