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Citywide Consultation on the Removal of BT Payphones in the Sheffield Area – Closing date 27th July 2021

28 Jun


BT is proposing to remove several payphones in the Sheffield area.

Why we are consulting

Consultations on the proposal have been carried out by BT and us. 

We are now consulting on the “First Notification”. This is our draft decision on whether to object or consent to the removal of the payphone equipment at the 46 proposed locations across the city.

If you wish to comment on this First Notification, please email or write to Sheffield City Council, as the local planning authority, at:

Forward & Area Planning Team
Sheffield City Council
Howden House
1 Union Street
Sheffield   S1 2SH

Please quote the telephone number of the telephone kiosk or the location if you are commenting on 1 or more kiosks.

The deadline is Tuesday 27 July 2021.


Further information can be found here

Citywide Consultation on the Removal of BT Payphones in the Sheffield Area – April 2021

20 Apr

BT proposes to remove a number of payphones (the phone box and the equipment) across the city – see the document attached for their locations

The Council are collating views on the permanent removal of these services.

BT have already put notices in the kiosks.

If anyone wishes to comment or object to these proposals, please write to Sheffield City Council as the local planning authority

to Forward & Area Planning Team, Sheffield City Council, Howden House, 1 Union Street, Sheffield, S1 2SH; or to

Please quote the telephone number of the telephone kiosk or the location

Deadline for comments is 31 May 2021.

The local planning authority will then consider the comments, alongside other prescribed factors and will publish in draft whether they will be consenting or objecting to the proposal on that basis.

Help Shape the Future of Sheffield’s Youth Services – Survey ends 30th April 2021

26 Mar

As part of our commitment to Sheffield’s young people we have pledged to invest £2million into our youth services to ensure that all young people make a successful transition from their teenage years into confident, happy and successful young adults.

We’re now looking to hear from young people and parents about the current services available and how we could improve things in the future. There are two separate surveys are available.

If you would like to take part in the survey or would like more information then please click Here

Sheffield City Council Housing Tenants Survey

9 Feb

We’d love to know what you think about the service you receive from us as your landlord, and about the home and the neighbourhood that you live in. 

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete, and will help us to improve our services to tenants.

Take the survey:

Open consultation – Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls strategy (ends 19th Feb 2021)

9 Feb

Open consultation – Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls strategy
The Government has launched a nationwide Call for Evidence, which closes on 19 February, to inform the new ‘Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls strategy’

To engage with and listen to those with lived experience of or views on violence against women and girls, those with expertise in working with victims / survivors, those involved in preventative activity, in providing services and, more generally, the communities and organisations affected by these crimes. This includes relevant professionals, such as those working in social care, education, law enforcement, local government, public health and healthcare

Citywide BT Payphone Consultation – draft SCC decision for consultation (First Notification), December 2020

13 Jan

Citywide BT Payphone Consultation – draft SCC decision for consultation (First Notification), December 2020 – Sheffield City Council – Citizen Space


BT is proposing to remove 25 payphones in the Sheffield area.

Why we are consulting

Consultations on the proposal have been carried out by BT and us. 

We are now consulting on the “First Notification”. This is our draft decision on whether to object or consent to the removal of the payphone equipment at the 25 proposed locations across the city.

Please access more information via this link

Final Notice – Removal of BT Payphones in the Sheffield Area

13 Sep


Sheffield City Council  initially consulted on BTs proposals to remove several payphones in the Sheffield Area from 14 June to 16 July 2019.  A further consultation was then undertaken from 9 August to 9 September 2019 on a ‘First Notification’ draft decision to object to the proposal.


 A ‘Final Notification’ has now been issued which is our final decision on whether to object or consent to the removal of the payphone equipment at the 31 proposed locations across the city.


A copy of the final notification can be seen here. 20190912 FINAL NOTIFICATION Citywide sites

The response to the consultations can be viewed at

For further information please contact



Have Your Say on Community Safety in Sheffield

8 Jan

community safety meeting

20 Aug

SCC LogoAdlington new build


Have Your Say on Community Funds

15 Aug



The Council receives a payment called a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for new building projects, which is then used to fund necessary improvements in infrastructure.

We are seeking views on our proposals to use the Local CIL (Neighbourhood Portion) in Sheffield to

  • promote the development of Neighbourhood Plans across the city
  • ensure that areas of higher deprivation receive a fairer overall share
  • improve how local communities are involved in the decisions on how it is spent

What we are seeking views on

We now need your views on how the Neighbourhood Portion is allocated in non-parished areas or those areas without a Neighbourhood Plan, as well as how local communities are involved in the decisions on how it is spent.

To help you see the process we are consulting on please click on the link here  flowchart

To read the consultation in full please follow the link below