Archive | January, 2014

Walk Boost

31 Jan

Hi all,

Attached are some weekly walks as well as the Historical/themed walks. I have also attached our Walk Boost logo for you to use as you wish.

Walk Boost is about providing walks within the local area to try and entice people to ditch their car and make those local trips on foot. We aim to work with local groups, TARA’s, housing associations, key partners, Mosques/Churches and schools to provide awareness about the scheme.

As part of our targets we also need to provide local walking maps, and a loyalty scheme to improve footfall into the local shopping districts. Participants will receive a loyalty card, and will need to collect stamps from participating shops to receive a free £10 voucher to spend back in those local shops.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



James Milovanovic-Firth

Walkboost Community Activity Leader

Activity Sheffield

2-10 Carbrook Hall Road, Sheffield, S9 2DB

Hotline: 0114 273 4266


Activity Sheffield would like to kick-start your New Year by offering a FREE place at any of our Activity Sheffield Sessions! – From walking to dancing, sports to exercises classes there really is something for everyone! Print your free session leaflet today!

We are a busy frontline Community Delivery Service, our team will often have limited access to e-mail so if you need a quicker response please don’t hesitate to telephone: 0114 273 4266.

Historic and Themed walks January to March.doc

Burngreave & Hillsborough Walk Timetable.docx

External Funding – Funding Alert – 29th January 2014

30 Jan


Funding Alert – 21-29 01 14.doc

Yorkshire Festival 2014 launch

29 Jan



Funding News from SYFAB for 28/01/2014

28 Jan
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Funding News from SYFAB


Enterprise Express

27 Jan

Enterprise Expresshas just gone live online. It contains all the region’s news, resources, some great free events, business achievements, burning issues and things to watch out for in future… everything you need to know about what’s happening in the business world, all in one place. The kaleidoscopic array of issues addressed in this week’s edition include:

· Ne(x)tworking: delivering best practice and results

· ‘Start up Saturday’ programme of four free live HMRC webinars

· Small businesses missing out on funding opportunities

· Student Enterprise Conference is just the thing for businesses

· Good health is good business

· Hull KR business breakfast invitation

· The Yorkshire Hotel Show

· Doing business in Mexico: market opportunities

· Helping young people compete for jobs

· Venturefest Yorkshire

· Volunteers needed for Young Enterprise project in February/March

· Save South Cave Village Post Office

· Can you help Barnsley’s enterprising young people?

· FSB’s first Policy Conference

· Win a tablet by telling us how you use digital technology

……. and many more.

Enterprise Expressis theforemost business e-newsletter and is produced exclusively by the South and East Yorkshire Region of the Federation of Small Businesses.

Enjoy this week’s edition, and see it here.

Federation of Small Businesses

South and East Yorkshire Region

Tel: 0114 261 7132

Mobile: 07917 628922


Reaching Communities Masterclass

27 Jan
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Reaching Communities Masterclass February 13

A training course coming up shortly you may be interested in:

Reaching Communities is a major funding source for groups, which was updated last summer by the Big Lottery Fund. Come to SYFAB’s Reaching Communities Master Class if you who are thinking about applying to this fund, and want to find out what the new application process is, how it is different, and how to maximise your chances of success.
The Reaching Communities programme is interested in projects that improve communities and the lives of people most in need, and offers multi-year grants of above £10,000. Voluntary and community organisations, schools, local authorities, health bodies, not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises are eligible to apply.
This session will help you:

• Be clear what organisations and projects can be funded
• Learn how the application process has changed, and why
• Understand how applications are assessed
• Learn the common reasons for rejection
• Pick outcomes and indicators for your project
• Decide how to consult beneficiaries about the plans and their implementation
• Properly cost out your budget.

This session is aimed at those planning to apply or currently completing an application to this Big Lottery Fund scheme.

Date: Thursday 13 February 2014
Venue: Voluntary Action Sheffield, The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield, S1 4FW
Time: 9.30 – 2.30

Level: Intermediate to advanced
Cost: £80.00 per person (includes lunch)

A recent participant on the scheme, who was successful with their bid for £260,000 said:
“We had a great idea for a Reaching Communities project (and a great need for the money). Fitting the right number of words into the right boxes was becoming a nightmare and outcomes were swimming before our eyes. Peter and his SYFAB colleagues helped us focus on the important bits and the rest flowed from there. We have got £269,313. SYFAB was a very good investment. Now we just have to deliver!”

Interested? Book on the website:

Heeley City Farm food growing activities

27 Jan

John Le Corney
Chief Executive
Heeley City Farm
Tel: 0780 3183 497

For more information about Heeley City Farm, please visit


Get growing at Meersbrook Park Walled Garden, 8th March 2014.pdf

Organic food growing masterclasses at Wortley Hall, from March 2014.pdf

CYT Newsletter – Q3 Winter Edition

27 Jan

Dear All

Please find attached, a copy of the CYT Autumn Newsletter for your information.

Many thanks


Elaine Faulkner, PA to Gail Gibbons, CYT Service Manager &

Nicole Harwood, Asst Service Manager, CYT

Children, Young People & Families (CYPF)

Star House, 43 Division Street

Sheffield S1 4GE

Tel: 0114 2012910

E-mail: elaine.faulkner


CYT newsletter – Q3 winter edition.pdf

Equality Hub Network – Voice and Influence Consultation

27 Jan

voice and influence

We have finalised the full proposal on Equality Hub Network – Voice and Influence with Members this week and it will be going out to consultation next week.

The consultation outlines the plans in more detail but to summarise the model chosen was the mixed model, this means the Council will set up and run an Equality Hub Network and a Board but there will be grants available to organisations. The grants will be focused on activity to help us meet our Equality and Fairness Objectives 2014 – 18 which were agreed by our Cabinet in December.

I have enclosed a copy of the consultation documents and there is an online survey to fill in .

There will also be a separate consultation event on February 20th in the afternoon in the Town hall


Adele Robinson
Social Justice and Inclusion Manager

Elections, Equalities and Involvement Team

Sheffield City Council

Town Hall, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, S1 2HH

Telephone: 0114 2735861

Email: adele.robinson

Equalities Hub Proposal.docx

Equalities Hub Proposal Background Info.docx

Equalities Hub Proposal Consultation Questions PAGE 1.docx

Sheffield 50plus Members Meeting 6 Feb 2014

27 Jan

Dear Member,

Sheffield 50+ Members’ Meeting to be held on Thursday, 6th February, 2014 at 1.15 pm for 1.30 pm, Sheffield Town Hall

You are warmly invited to the Members’ meeting on Thursday, 6th February, in the Council Chamber, Sheffield Town Hall. The agenda, and minutes of the previous meetings are attached.

The speaker will be Dr Tom Downes, Consultant Physician and Geriatrician, Clinical Lead for Quality Improvement, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The talk is entitled: ‘Designing acute hospital care for older people: the start of Sheffield’s journey’

Apologies are not essential but can be left by return email.

Yours sincerely

Julie Berrisford

Executive Director of Development

Sheffield 50+

The Circle

33 Rockingham Lane

Sheffield, S1 4FW

Telephone: 0114 253 6736

Email: julie



Agenda February 6 2014.pdf

Members Meeting 9 January 2014.pdf