Sheffield 50plus Members Meeting 6 Feb 2014

27 Jan

Dear Member,

Sheffield 50+ Members’ Meeting to be held on Thursday, 6th February, 2014 at 1.15 pm for 1.30 pm, Sheffield Town Hall

You are warmly invited to the Members’ meeting on Thursday, 6th February, in the Council Chamber, Sheffield Town Hall. The agenda, and minutes of the previous meetings are attached.

The speaker will be Dr Tom Downes, Consultant Physician and Geriatrician, Clinical Lead for Quality Improvement, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The talk is entitled: ‘Designing acute hospital care for older people: the start of Sheffield’s journey’

Apologies are not essential but can be left by return email.

Yours sincerely

Julie Berrisford

Executive Director of Development

Sheffield 50+

The Circle

33 Rockingham Lane

Sheffield, S1 4FW

Telephone: 0114 253 6736

Email: julie



Agenda February 6 2014.pdf

Members Meeting 9 January 2014.pdf

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